Versão Musical

Kytaro Hrej

Dan Silva

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Música Original

I Can See Clearly Now

Versões de "I Can See Clearly Now"


I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sunshinning day.

I think I can make it now, the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is the rainbow I've been prayin' for
It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sunshinning day.

Look all around, there's nothin' but blue skies
Look straight ahead, nothin' but blue skies

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sunshinning day.
It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sunshinning day.
It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sunshinning day.

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I Can See Clearly Now

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,...

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