Jupiter Sunset

Jupiter Sunset

Rock & Roll


Back in the sun

Versões de "Back in the sun"


Back, back in the sun
Back in the sun
The sun where I belong
I'm back and I run
In my hometown
My sun

Back in the emptiness
Within the arms
Of early coming spring
I am back to rest
To the old shows
It swings

Sun, will you fly me?
I have seen
Too many lands to rain, yeah
My heart, my heart is empty
It is filled
With nothing but the pain

Oh back, back in the sun
Back in the sun
Sun where I belong
I'm back in the sun
And when rain comes
I'll fly

Back, back in the sun
Back in the sun
In a sky that is mine
I'm back in the sun
And when rain comes
I'll fly

Back, back in the sun

Back, back in the sun
Back in the sun

Mais de Jupiter Sunset

Jupiter Sunset - Back in the sun

Back in the sun

Back, back in the sun Back in the sun ...

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