Versão Musical

Um Grande Amor
Eu logo notei no seu meigo olhar
Que um grande amor ia começar
Você me sorriu e depois
Tomou minha mão e falou baixinho
Que precisava falar comigo
Sobre o amor eu notei
Amor eu já sei que você me tem
Pois meu coração já é seu também
A vida é tão bela pra nós
Juntinhos seremos assim
Você vivendo pra mim e eu só pra você
Mais ninguém
Música Original

Alma Cogan
I knew right away
Versões de "I knew right away"
Eu logo notei no seu meigo olhar Que um grande am...
I knew right away that you'd break my heart
I knew right away at the very start
You asked me to dance and you told me
You would see me tonight and you'd hold me
I had a feeling that you were lying
And now I know I was right
I knew it
I knew right away I'd be left alone
I felt such a fool waiting on my own
All my friends said I'd end up without you
Didn't need them to tell me about you
I fell in love and I had to pay
But I knew right away
I knew right away that you'd break my heart
I knew right away at the very start
You asked me to dance and you told me
You would see me tonight yes you'd hold me
I had a feeling that you were lying
And now I know I was right
I knew it
I knew right away I'd be left alone
I felt such a fool waiting on my own
All my friends said I'd end up without you
Didn't need them to tell me about you
I fell in love and I had to pay
But I knew right away
I fell in love and I had to pay
But I knew right away
I fell in love and I had to pay
But I knew right away
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