Versão Musical

Nasci para Chorar-99(vs.Erasmo Carlos)
Cadastrou essa música.
Nasci para Chorar
Eu levo a minha vida
Chorando pelo mundo
Talvez até tivesse
Algum desgosto profundo
Procuro na memória
Procuro me lembrar
E não encontro
Nasci para chorar Se vejo uma garota
Sorrindo para mim
E ela me pergunta
Porque sou tão triste assim
Fico sem resposta
Digo adeus e vou embora
Pois é hora
É hora de chorar E continuo a felicidade procurando
Mas sempre a solidão e a tristeza encontrando
Às vezes desconfio que a alegria
É ilusão e que o amor
Não entra no meu coração Não sei por que razão eu sofro tanto desse jeito
As garotas dizem que ser triste é meu defeito
Quero ser alegre, ter alguém para amar
Mas eu não posso
Nasci para chorar
Música Original

Dion and the Belmonts
Born To Cry
Versões de "Born To Cry"
Eu levo a minha vida chorando pelo mundo Talvez a...
Nasci para Chorar Eu levo a minha vida chorando...
Nasci para Chorar Eu levo a minha vida chorando...
Nasci para Chorar Levo a minha vida, chorando p...
Nasci para Chorar Eu levo a minha vida Chorand...
Nasci para Chorar Eu levo a minha vida Chorand...
Nasci para Chorar Eu levo a minha vida Chorand...
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I'd like to tell you something
All about the good and the bad
I wish today the world, my friends
Would stop being sad
There's so much evil round us
I feel that I could die
And I know, yeah
That I was born to cry
Well, if I ever told you
All about the things I have done
I can't remember having
Even one day of fun
I don't know what I'm doing
If I do, it's a lie
But I know that I
Was born to cry
Yeah, cry
I said cry, oh, yeah, cry
Oh, yeah, oh
Well, every girl I ever loved
Always stepped right on my feet
I thought I had a friend once
But he kicked out my teeth
The things I like and wanna have
I can't even buy
But I know, yeah
That I was born to cry
Well, I know someday
And maybe soon
That master will call
And when he does
I'll you something
Ha ha, I won't cry at all
Until it happens, folks
I'll sail with that tide
And I know, yeah
That I was born to cry
Well, I said cry, oh, yeah
Cry, oh, yeah, cry
I said don't you know
That I was born to cry
Well, I cry, cry, cry, cry
Yeah, well, I know
Someday and maybe soon
That master will call
And when he does
I'll you something
I won't cry at all
Until it happens, folks
I guess I'll sail with the tide
And I know that I was born to cry
Mais de Adriana Calcanhotto

Caminhoneiro-90(vs.Roberto Carlos-Erasmo Carlos- John Hartford)
Caminhoneiro Todo dia quando eu pego ...